The final meeting of the North Shore Nositeers just before Christmas. Me on a hunting and gathering mission.
This has got to be our favest thing of the moment.
Euan seems to have a paw pointing thing going on for lots of his hunting
Mums little ray of sunshine
Tua having a turn and building up some motivation
Oh that was sneaky a high treat.
Or maybe not so high
Shoes are always to be investigated
They proved to be the most popular hit
No doubt about it, they are delicious
As Euan is a bit scared of rattly things we put some keys on the floor for snootering
Not scary for Pipi
Kinda looks like a dinner bowl, must investigate everything
Nellie having a turn, Mum has marked all the boxes with treaties with a pink sticker and all the clean boxes with blue stickers. Thats for the humans cos they don't have good noses.
Stickers schmickers. We just use our noses.
As if my night couldn't get any better I got to be the product tester for Mums new nosework blanket. No arguement - its the best ínvention since my dinner bowl.
Dis look pawsum my pals...fink we haz a go wiv Lola...altho she do be a dim wit of corse