


Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Just checkin me messages and see that I have won an award. Who - Moi? Thank you very much. The conditions are for me to lay bare 7 facts about me that you don't already know. Not as easy as it seems as I reckon my editor has pretty much laid bare my life. Lets give you a easy test and see if I'm right.Question 1. I Bodie, the Bodester am named after an actor in which tv series......?????
No cheatin........................... Yep you got it right. The good lookin guy in the middle.

Question 2. Our favourite apparel is ......................................

a) Racing couture - Mrs Magoo modelling the latest in pink for a day at the races.

b) Commando wear. All kitted out for the hedgehog detection squad.

c) The understated but manly drizabone, for added warmth when alpine and couch climbing.

d) The all purpose raincoat for the Land of the Long Wet Cloud.

e) None of the above, we prefer to go nakid. I know you chose e) I have a perfectly fine coat thank you, a winter one and a summer one.

Question 3. Our favourite place for snoozin is...........................

a) In front of the fire...............

b) On the back deck.........................

c) In, on and under the duvet..................

d) On the couch


Now I bet you picked e. Of course we have inbuilt nap detectors for the comfy spots. We wouldn't be nappin in it if it wasn't comfy now would we. So we really don't know what we know what you don't know. My secrets are all out.

And totally nothing to do with my 7 deadly secrets, we found this while we was surfin the nets yesterday and thought the BT luvvas might like a read. This was the other guy I could have been named after. Click Here

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