


Friday, February 3, 2012

The Liebster Blog Award

Hey we got an award, - wowza thanks Lexi n Jasper we're glad you like our blog!!!    It's the Liebster Blog Award  and like all great awards it needs to be passed on.......

This award has some formalities that we must abide by…
(1) Thank the blogger that gave you the award and then add a link to their blog.
(2) Reveal our top five picks (with less than 200 readers) and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog. - Well we suspect all our faves have lots of readers so we'll give you 5 but its not easy.
(3) Copy and Paste the Award to Your Blog.
(4) Hope that the people you’ve sent the award to send it to their five favorite up-and-coming bloggers, and keep it going! - Come on guys keep it going :)

Ok so some of our fave blogs we wish we could put more n 5, but we'd be here all night.  And we hope our fave bloggy mates don't mind us nickin their pictures.

1)  Marley n Lola in England, always keep us laughin, I mean really n truly, the blog with this pic didn't even have words this day and we still got a giggle.  Marley monkeyin around...

2) Our mate Zack in Canada,   we've been following his n Marleys adventures for two years and they is like family.

3) Bella the pirate border terrier in Iceland.  She does similar stuff to Mrs Magoo like bikin n trackin and she does tricks like me.  And Iceland is as different from New Zealand as you can be as its on the other side of the planet so we love reading about how different Bellas' life is to ours. 

4) Hana in Japan is hikin all the mountains with her Dad, and her adventures just blow our mind.  In this one, her Dad was throwin her across the rivers.  The photos on here are beautiful too.

5) Annas Food Safari    jjust to show that its not all about dogs on our blog and that we  DO have some perspective we also think this cooking blog of one of Mums friends is funny too.  If ya can cook or ya can't cook, this is pretty funny,  and makes us hungry anyway.  Anyone for a dish sponge n a cuppa?

Later patatas.


  1. Wow, we be honoured to ave won the award my chums. We gotta do some finkin bout who to pass it on to...woof. We done already follow da linky to Bella's site and we will check out the others too.

  2. Congrats on your award, Bodie! And I must check out some of those new blogs when I have time - they sound so interesting!! (Hsin-Yi especially likes the sound of the FOOD one - hee! hee!)

    Honey the Great Dane

  3. I juist let you kno I dint forget about this. I am doin some finkin and ope to attend to my dooties when the familee get back from oliday in a week or so. Woof

  4. I finally saw this today and on behalf of Bella I'd like to thanks for the award :D It's also nice to see some awesome other blogs I am not yet following!
